Friday 9 July 2010

Seeing as this is my blog, i'm gonna write about me.

This blog contains random uninteresting stuff that you probably don't really care about.
And i've decided to copy everyones theme, as they all seem to be doing lists of things.
So here goes :) oh and thanks to everyone that follows me. All 3 of you ;)

- I hate my middle name, therefore i'm not going to say it. Mwahaha.
- I had an operation at 12 months, on my kidney. Basically it was clogged up and they had to empty the fluid or something, and maybe take it out. But they didn't. I have 2 kidneys one slightly weaker which is why i drink and therefore pee more. I have a scar there. I don't like it. Its ugly. But it makes me, me.
- I'm half french. I like and dislike this advantage. The dislikes are mainly due to the mother. Pressure and shiz.
- I discovered that I love photography a few years ago, and my camera is very important to me. So if you handle my camera, i may bite your head off, but ignore me.
- I have obsessions. With the strangest of things.
- Music seems to have a significant effect on how i'm feeling. It instantly makes me feel better. I'd love to be a proffesional singer, or musician, but i just haven't been able to get off my arse and do something about it. I've started playing guitar now though.
- I don't have regrets. Because in the end, it makes you who you are. And i like who i am. (i so didn't steal this of 30 seconds to mars' new video.)
- I love Ghandi. He iz god.
- I try not to follow trends or keep to whats 'in' at the minute. It annoys the hell outta me when people say 'thats so last year!' Its like no, just shut up.
- I get on with my parents relatively well. My dad is brilliant, he may complain and be ill 24/7 due to lack of sleep, but he respects me. My mum, well she can be incredibly selfish at times, like if i don't get an A in my french exam she says she'll be embarrassed, as shes a governer and needs to keep to her high status. Its very patronising. And its my exams, not hers. But shes also very honest, and will tell me if i look like a douchebag, which is always good.
- I use commas a lot in my sentences, it makes it sound more realistic with the 'pause' and basically because i'm cool.
- I don't handle difficult situations very well. I don't usually have difficult situations, but right now; corrr. Confusion is written all over my face.
- I don't like war. When it all comes up on the news, I literally can't watch it. The soldiers are so brave, i would never have the balls to do what they do everyday.
- I only like cold drinks, with the occasional hot chocolate.
- Baked beans make me puke. And sweetcorn.
- Jude Law is the devil in uniform. I dream about putting pins in his eyes. Its fun.
- I HAVE to watch home and away everyday. Its brilliant yet rubbish at the same time. Especially since Romeo is now in it. Massive improvement as he is sex on legs.
- You all need to see Remember me on dvd. It is incredible. I cry everytime, and it has rpattz in which is always a plus really. He is also sex on legs.
- Nobody is perfect. The ones that are close to it, annoy me immensely. Its only jealousy though.
- I'm on facebook way too much.
- I struggle to say the words 'I love you.' I say it to my friends in passing, i don't mean it. I do love them obviously, i just can't say it seriously. I haven't said those word to my parents in... what 10 years.
- Sometimes i don't understand why people like me. Like, like me like me. I don't know, i'm paranoid like that ;) The few that do. Or have. Which is like 1 ha. Mean a lot to me.
- My friends mean everything to me. I hate hurting their feelings. Which i hope i don't do very often.

Well she was wearing a skirt
And he thought she looked nice
And yes, she didn't really care about anything else
'Cause she only wanted him to think that she looked nice
And he did.
Right birds can fly so high
And they can shit on your head yea,
And they can almost fly into your eye
And make you feel well scared yeah,
But when you look at them
And you see that they're beautiful
That's how I feel about you
Yeah that's how I feel about you.
Kate Nash - Birds. I don't like her. But her lyrics are immense.

Thanks for reading.


  1. you´re so natural and the way you write your texts is adorable ♥

    love your blog =)

  2. ahhh thanks!!! it means a lot :D
